
The Great Degree searches, searches;
In the sky is an omen;
A sign of importance -- it is grass.

People were saying that Indians were making pilgrimages to the great tree.


Not a degree of compasses;
Demons restrain the heir.

Not a degree of the compasses;
Clearly examining the laughter.

From Circle of Light magazine, 1987:

Pope Asked to Dance

When Pope John Paul II comes to Phoenix Sept. 14, 1987, he will be asked to join in an inter-tribal dance before an international conference of Catholic Indians. Members of the Tigua tribe will ask the Pope to dance. The gathering of the Tekikwitha Conference will include Catholics representing more than 150 Indian tribes.


The stone is red; do not hold it;
The economy of the scholar is a necessity.

New Age Will Dawn In August, Seers Say, and Malibu is Ready. Whether Earth Will Survive, By One Theory, Depends on Turnout at Sacred Sights.

The Wall Street Journal, June 23, 1987


Amassing error; lending money on interest;
After ten years there is still no return.
By Yin the military are killed;
By Yang the literary learn:

I've just gotten back from the lodge. I feel good about being a Mason. Armies are moving. The planets are converging. Ric is putting together a nice handout to give to participants. The banners are beautiful batiks. The city gave me the go ahead for the funding plan as presented by my letter to them. Someone wrote "Bob is Art" on many of the flyers. Tamara and I completed the TCA report. This was a big relief to me. The Dean told me he is 95% sure that there will be no money for BL Lacerta next year. We'll have to turn in our keys before the next pay checks at the end of the month. The ritual is almost complete!


The Way which lasts for ever.

Will I have to let them repossess the car? I may have no choice. The way is making choices at the proper time. Bed Time for Bonzo is on tonight starring President Reagan.


Neither sorrowful, nor lively,
For ever last those Heavenly precepts.

The phone is ringing off the wall! It will be difficult for me to get back to everyone. I hope no one gets their feelings hurt. I still need to make my house payment, get my driver's license renewed, and send off the TCA evaluation. Then, I can spend the rest of the evening on the phone.


Neither sorrowful, nor lively,
Eternity is the Way of the ancestors.

There is a lot of interest in this event. It will be quite an experience and it seems that I've, so far, played my cards pretty well. The Dallas Observer has written a pretty cynical feature story about the Harmonic Convergence and the New Age in general. I resent somewhat that my artistic community is being lumped together with the stereotypical New Age community. I appreciate all of the publicity though. The Dallas Times Herald has been giving the event some publicity. The problem with doing something that fits into a current trend is that one is perceived as "trendy," but who cares about all that. What is really important is how I behave over these nine days.

next page.

title page.